Enjoying the world as a gift from God to us.

Photos by

Axel van de Griendt

May we never allow the gift to be more important than the GIVER !!!

Sunset over the hills of Aberystwyth, Wales, December 2022.
Beautiful Countryside, Aberystwyth, Wales.

South Africa - Wildlife destination of choice !

sand texture
Surfing at Kommetjie, Cape Town.
Surfing at Kommetjie, Cape Town.
Karoo spring after a good rainy season.
black sand texture

Bank details Axel’s Photography :

Axel van de Griendt :

ABSA Ceres (South Africa)

Cheque Account


Branch code : 334 107

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For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made.

Romans 1 : 20.